Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My First Blog!

Here it is! With a catchy title and everything! Welcome to my first post about apartment patio gardening.

I'm starting this blog after a bit of pressure from one of my friends and my boyfriend, J. I recently moved to Washington, D.C., from San Antonio, TX, and one thing I noticed when I got here: there are a lot of freakin' apartments and many of them look sadly bare. One day my friend from Austin asked me for advice on what to grow on her small apartment patio. She wanted some kind of plant that would cover her view of a typical, bleak parking lot, as well as survive a beginning gardener's care and Texas summer. Then she said: “What I'd love is an herb and vegetable garden, but I'm not sure how feasible it is with such a small space.”


Such a small space?! Size doesn't matter.....for a vegetable/herb garden. It's amazing in how tiny a space you can see a plant grow. J sometimes gets a little intimidated by how much I manage to squeeze on our balcony and still leave some room for us. I say there is always room for more. ;)

So my lovely friend asked me more questions about how to start a garden on her patio. She then said that she couldn't find much help online about making apartment gardens. Some internet digging turned up plenty of great little projects uran gardeners can do, but there seemed to be little information about how the omst beginner and black-thumbed gardener can get started. And that is why I decided to start a blog on apartment balcony gardening: to show people in DC and other cities that it is possible to have a garden in the smallest of living spaces, how to get started, and feel like you have a small idea of what you're doing.

Eat, drink, be merry, and get dirty!
