Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Next Time It Will Have to Reserve Two Plane Seats

Earlier this winter I made a garden bed out of some pavers that had been stacked up in a corner of the back yard.

I also made a path.

I laid them so they would be about 6" above ground level, then filled them with compost I found on Craigslist.

I put newspaper down to act as a weed barrier
before adding the compost.

The back yard is on the western side of the house and has no trees, so it gets good sun.

I planted everything far enough apart so that I thought they would each get enough room. (Of course I forgot to take pictures.)

The first really active guy was my Texas cherry tomato I grew from seed.
Texas cherry tomato on the left. A baby I would call adorable.

It hasn't stopped growing.....
Feeeed me! Cue "Little Shop of Horrors" music.

You can't see them, but there is a bunch of string trying to contain the branches.
Escape for your lives other plants!

These tomatoes are designed to survive Texas heat. Well, it survives in Texas and thrives in DC. Is there such thing as invasive tomatoes? I have never seen these tomatoes get this big in Texas.
Those are some big cherries to pop.
It's trying to send out aerial roots! I'm going to see if I can cut and plant some in the front, let it fill in that space.

It's amazing how well this guy is producing. What a bed hog!

Eat, drink, be merry, and get dirty!

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